Submit a gym

Add as much information as you can for fastest approval. Want to edit a gym's info? Contact us instead.

Basic info

The name of the gym
What sport(s) does the gym cater to?

Day passes / drop-ins

Does this gym allow for drop-in sessions or day-passes?
The price of the day pass (if applicable)
What currency is used in this gym?


List the key equipment that the gym has - Atlas stones, Monolift, Jerk blocks, etc.
What additional facilities does the gym have? Shower rooms, sauna, hot / cold tubs etc.

Online & social media

A link to the gym's website - e.g.
A link to the gym's Instagram profile - e.g.
A link to the gym's Twitter profile
A link to the gym's Facebook profile


The address of the gym
The gym's latitude position
The gym's longitude position
Any other important information
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